Healthy IT has superseded any previous IT company we've had supporting our Manhattan dental practice. Their response time to any issue we have is immediate. Over the years, we've had to basically revamp everything in our office - from replacing workstations, server upgrades, dental software upgrades, paperless transition, setting up WiFi, installation of sensors, battery backups, website and email restructuring - they've done it all. Every single project has been painless and has not impacted our workflow or schedules in the slightest - what more could you ask for? If someone I knew was on the fence of switching their IT provider to Healthy IT, I would say, "I'm going to refer the absolute best IT company. Honestly, the quality of my work-life has improved since working with Healthy IT". Bottom line - we would not choose any other company, ever! They are well-equipped with an entire team of staff to handle ALL tech needs and the best part - they're honest about what is needed for our company!
Jessica Boyle
Schloss & Klein